Written on Feb 17, 2015
Emerson wanted to win a 12-night all expense paid Caribbean cruise. All she had to do was write an essay so she decides to write it on her boyfriend. It turns out that before sending the essay, she finds herself being single so she makes up a boyfriend and she wins. But he needs to find someone named Jonathan Smith before the trip or she won't be able to go in this amazing vacation. Where does she find this man? Facebook!
I read the blurb of the story and I have to admit I got excited over it. The author kindly sent me an e-book and I immediately started reading it. It's a very short story so I finished it very quickly. I loved this idea of having to find a complete stranger to go with you on the cruise. Of course, Emerson didn't just say, "Hey, I want you to go with me to a cruise. We will meet the day of." No, no, no. They meet a month prior to the trip and they start to get along very well. They have to play the part of boyfriend/girlfriend and with a hot man like Jonathan, it is very easy.
These two characters get down to do the dirty as soon as they reach their rooms and I have to say, the scene was hot. It definitely excites the ladies. The reason these two characters have this chemistry is because, like I said, they spent a month talking. But when they met, Emerson told Jonathan that her ex had told her she was terrible in bed. Jonathan doesn't pass up the opportunity to "teach" Emerson but he soon finds out that Emmy is in fact amazing in bed.
My only issue with this story is the writing. I found it to be sloppy at times, which made it a bit hard to read. I had to re-read sentences a couple of times to understand what I was reading. Keep in mind that I don't know if the version she sent me is the eARC or the published version. If it is the eARC then it is understandable that the editing is not that good. Just thought I'd clarify this.
For a short story, I enjoyed myself a lot. The characters were fun and I actually related to their relationship (I won't even get into that but you guys can put two and two together, right?). I loved Emmy's meddling friends, I loved the relationship, I loved the sexy scenes.
I loved the epilogue because it gives a minor intro to the next story in this series. Who is the lucky lady that will have her own story? Aoife, one of Emmy's best friend. The epilogue really got me interested in her story. I believe it is going to be a darker story from what I read, which got me interested.
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