Written on Oct 11, 2018
When I saw got to take part in the cover reveal for this book and read the blurb, I was frigging excited! I adored the Spice Girls when they hit the scene in the 90’s, Geri lived in my hometown and was in touching distance from my house. I loved her and Posh, but I was always Sporty Spice in the group…because in my group I was the only Sporty one! So how could I not read this book that is filled with the promise of nostalgia!
What’s more, I love are stories of friendship and then school reunions! Love them! I love revisiting the past and then seeing them in the future!
You have the self-proclaimed Geri wannabe as Carmen flies solo from the girls, the “Huddies” due to things going wrong at a talent contest. Fast forward some years, and she is back in touch with the Huddies, and wants to enter the talent contest as the group again! Well, how is it all going to all play out?! It was great to read each of the girls and guy point of view in the present day and back in the day. I could gush all day about this book, it really does have the feel-good factor!
This book had so many laugh out loud moments for me, I sat there smiling, and it reminded me what me and my friends use to go back to. Days before Facebook, days where you travel to the camera shop as you have to wait for photos to be developed and hope you get some good ones! The happy and more innocent days, I LOVED IT!
It was a perfect book that I needed to read and to have it in my life.