Written on Feb 16, 2016
***3.5 Stars***
I’m not sure too many people can pick up an Alexa Riley without a little smirk on their face. Her ability to write a story that is completely unbelievable and fantastical…but you...Read more
Strange meets strange and become stranger together.
***3.5 Stars***
I’m not sure too many people can pick up an Alexa Riley without a little smirk on their face. Her ability to write a story that is completely unbelievable and fantastical…but you kind of wish (an incy, wincy bit) it was real. Who wouldn’t want a man that is so into you that once he sees you, there is no one else for him? A hero, that when we hear his thoughts and see his actions we can’t help but think…do men really feel this passionate, possessive and consumed when they’re in love? I’ve been married nearly 20 years and I know my hubby loves me, but if he started declaring himself like the way they do in these books, I’d either swoon or have him committed.
Guarding His Obsession is the story of a quirky heroine named Zoey who needs to hire a bodyguard because of a stalker. In walks Drake and the earth moves for the two of them. In typical Alexa Riley style, its insta-love, and no one would dare to keep them apart.
I think Zoey is borderline Aspergers. She has an inability to detect emotions in others, needs to be factual, and does not hesitate to say exactly what she's thinking, even if it hurts, shocks or surprises the listener. Drake has his own version of quirkiness in his lack of connection and communicating with people. He has very few people he can call friends, no family, and hasn’t really had a relationship before. Both Zoey and Drake are considered strange, but they really have a connection with each other. What other people find strange they both love and think cute.
One thing I do have to mention, I did at times feel a little uncomfortable. Zoey, at first, comes across as “special” and her sister Elle, her care provider. In reality, Elle is Zoey’s personal assistant and Zoey is a workaholic. As the story progressed it was easy to see that Zoey is extremely intelligent and her brain works super fast and just a little differently.
While Guarding His Obsession is not a deep or profound story, it is steamy. You can’t help but be drawn into the lusty tale and abandon all belief in reality. I liked it and definitely smirked, blushed and laughed.
I received an ARC of Guarding His Obsession via the author for an honest review.
To buy Guarding His Obsession from Amazon - http://amzn.to/1oFDQUq
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -
***3.5 Stars***
I’m not sure too many people can pick up an Alexa Riley without a little smirk on their face. Her ability to write a story that is completely unbelievable and fantastical…but you kind of wish (an incy, wincy bit) it was real. Who wouldn’t want a man that is so into you that once he sees you, there is no one else for him? A hero, that when we hear his thoughts and see his actions we can’t help but think…do men really feel this passionate, possessive and consumed when they’re in love? I’ve been married nearly 20 years and I know my hubby loves me, but if he started declaring himself like the way they do in these books, I’d either swoon or have him committed.
Guarding His Obsession is the story of a quirky heroine named Zoey who needs to hire a bodyguard because of a stalker. In walks Drake and the earth moves for the two of them. In typical Alexa Riley style, its insta-love, and no one would dare to keep them apart.
I think Zoey is borderline Aspergers. She has an inability to detect emotions in others, needs to be factual, and does not hesitate to say exactly what she's thinking, even if it hurts, shocks or surprises the listener. Drake has his own version of quirkiness in his lack of connection and communicating with people. He has very few people he can call friends, no family, and hasn’t really had a relationship before. Both Zoey and Drake are considered strange, but they really have a connection with each other. What other people find strange they both love and think cute.
One thing I do have to mention, I did at times feel a little uncomfortable. Zoey, at first, comes across as “special” and her sister Elle, her care provider. In reality, Elle is Zoey’s personal assistant and Zoey is a workaholic. As the story progressed it was easy to see that Zoey is extremely intelligent and her brain works super fast and just a little differently.
While Guarding His Obsession is not a deep or profound story, it is steamy. You can’t help but be drawn into the lusty tale and abandon all belief in reality. I liked it and definitely smirked, blushed and laughed.
I received an ARC of Guarding His Obsession via the author for an honest review.
To buy Guarding His Obsession from Amazon - http://amzn.to/1oFDQUq
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -