Written on Sep 7, 2020
This is such an interesting start! I've recently discovered I adore food-related manga, more specifically fantasy-based food manga. So when I saw this anime on Netflix I decided to look and see if it had a manga I could check out first, and immediately downloaded the first volume!
It's a slice of life story revolving around a skyship crew that hunts down dragons and sells their meat and oil to survive. There is a whole cast of characters that are quite interesting and in this volume, we get little teasers here and there regarding some of their motivations for being on the ship. I quite like Mika, even though he seems a bit one-track minded when it comes to hunting dragons an eating them. He has a lot going on, but we are not given much on who he is. The foody sections are more of an addition to the overall laid back storyline, but they are always a welcome inclusion for me. I love seeing what the mangaka comes up with for these weird recipes.
The artwork is simply gorgeous and I love that the dragon designs are very atypical.
Overall, while this wasn't mind-blowing it was interesting enough for me to want to continue on with the series.