Written on Jan 15, 2019
• Pro: This story started fast right out of the gate and just kept going and going, until the truth revealed itself.
• Pro: I will be the first to admit, that Hannah was not the most likable character, but as the story unfolded, I found myself empathizing with her more and more, and in the end my heart actually ached for her, for the challenges she would face, and for the parents, who did not strike me as supportive. Sheinmel created such a real sense of all Hannah's emotions. I felt her disdain, joy, happiness, sadness, panic, fear, and resignation so strongly. I absolutely thought I was in her head.
• Pro: The thing, which made this story successful for me, was the strength of the storytelling. I thought Sheinmel approached Hannah's story brilliantly and loved the way she let it unfold. The way the threads wound together and unraveled added tension, and also pushed me to question what was happening or had happened.
• Pro: It was interesting that this was NOT a story about Hannah's illness, but rather, about her learning about her illness. It was very thoughtful and emotional at times, and this was the aspect of the book, which resonated the most with me.
• Pro: The characters featured heavily in the book were intriguing and engaging. I especially enjoyed Lucy and the friendship she shared with Hannah. She provided some lighter moments, while also challenging Hannah and allowing me to see a different side of her.
• Pro: I don't read a lot of books, which make me feel this way, but this book made me suspicious. I guess it's a side-effect of an unreliable narrator, but there was more to it, as I learned. I rather enjoyed constantly questioning what I was reading, and the twists just added to my enjoyment.
Overall: That was quite a journey I took with Hannah! Once again, Sheinmel did a phenomenal job bringing me into the headspace of her character. Hannah's emotions, confusion, and worry were palpable, and I really appreciated the way the story unfolded.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.