Written on Jun 4, 2020
My rating is 4.5 stars
Davalynn Spencer has a definite way with words! Looking through the quotes I marked as I read has me snickering. And then snickering again as I try to pare these quotes down. It is so HARD to not include each and every one! Flavored with Western expressions, they season the story to create a blend with just the perfect tang that doesn't overwhelm the senses.
I've learned that the ability to turn a phrase doesn't necessarily equate to a talent for writing stories. Fortunately, Ms. Spencer has gifting in both of these areas. An Impossible Price captures the essence of the West when it was still a bit wild. It brings sights and sounds to life, even engaging the sense of smell to fully immerse the reader in this story.
Sophie and Clay captured my heart from the very beginning. The hints of his broken past had me intrigued and wanting to know what had happened (as Sophie did once she discovered his scars!). Sophie was more of an open book yet despite the more stable home-life she had, she carried pains of her own.
Poor Clay didn't have the author's gift of having just the right thing to say. He often found himself at a loss or simply saying the wrong thing. Afraid to reveal his past, assuming others would find him as worthless as he found himself, he kept his secrets close to his chest. And this caused some major conflict with Sophie!!
While I greatly enjoyed the entire story, I especially loved the way that the association many made with Clay's name that caused him grief was turned around by Sophie when she viewed it from God's word.
An Impossible Price stands alone. As a part of the Front Range Brides series, it does share characters and continues their stories. Hints of Clay's past mentioned in previous books were cited as well. Despite having read An Unexpected Redemption a couple of years ago, I couldn't remember the details and now want to go back and refresh my memory. All of this author's books are excellent - so go ahead and read the whole series!
Read my full review at Among the Reads
I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.