Written on Sep 30, 2016
Redeeming Love is all about being saved by the power of love. But it's not just romantic love. Sarah ultimately comes to love herself and get her life back on track. She also finds God's love along the way, and that eventually opens her up to loving Michael. Even though they spend most of the novel married, but apart, as Sarah can't quite accept this new life. Michael is trying to show her that she doesn't need to sell her body or use her body in any way that she doesn't want to. But that's all she's known for so long that she can't help but play the role that she thinks will help her survive. It's very heartbreaking at first, but it was amazing to watch Angel go back to being Sarah over time.
The one thing that kept be from loving Redeeming Love was that Michael hears the literal voice of God. God speaks directly to him and tells him that Angel is the woman he'll marry. It was very strange and distracting, but as the story moved forward, I could see why the author included it. Angel hears a voice also, but it's self doubt which causes her to run away over and over again. Slowly this voice is replaced by the literal voice of God and Angel finds her way to becoming Sarah again.
Redeeming Love totally shattered my misconceptions about Christian Romance. While it's not graphic, we know exactly what kind of horrors Sarah faced as a child and as a woman. She is angry and bitter for a lot of the story, and understandably so. There is a lot of darkness here, but of course, it ends very happily.
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