Written on Jul 25, 2022
Christie, Agatha. Miss Marple 3-Book Collection 1: The Murder at the Vicarage, The Body in the Library, The Moving Finger (p. 245). HarperCollins Publishers. Kindle Edition.
In The Murder at the Vicarage, the vicar, Leonard Clement is horrified to discover local magistrate, Colonel Protheroe, shot dead in his study. In a small town like St. Mary Mead, a murder is the most exciting thing to happen in years and soon, the whole town has put on their detective caps and is busy trying to solve the mystery. But only one person can be right - an elderly spinster with an interest in the study of human nature - the one and only - Miss Jane Marple.
Although I've read a lot of Hercule Poirot, I'm afraid I've never gotten around to reading any Miss Marple and I was pleasantly surprised - and somewhat confused. The mystery was good and I enjoyed the cast of characters residing in St Mary Mead - but for the first Miss Marple book, Miss Marple herself is surprisingly absent. I mean Agatha Christie is fond of experimenting with her characters and narrative styles and Poirot has often taken on only a peripheral role - but for some reason I was baffled by the use of it here. Maybe because it's supposed to be the first book. Either way, it didn't suffer for the lack, although I look forward to getting to know Miss Marple in future books.
I really liked the narrator, Len who for a vicar, was rather blunt and uncharitable - even if only in his thoughts. His wife, Griselda was great as well and I adored the elderly ladies of the town.
‘My dear young man, you underestimate the detective instinct of village life. In St Mary Mead everyone knows your most intimate affairs. There is no detective in England equal to a spinster lady of uncertain age with plenty of time on her hands.’
Christie, Agatha. Miss Marple 3-Book Collection 1: The Murder at the Vicarage, The Body in the Library, The Moving Finger (p. 43). HarperCollins Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Overall a classic Agatha Christie murder mystery with an interesting cast of characters, a delightful small town setting and an unexpected murderous twist. 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.