Written on Jan 21, 2017
➜Didn’t guess who the murderer was
➜Lots of humble-brag type talk of all the places she’s been and the things she’s done
Well research and knowledgable about chocolate and baking, though I know nothing so maybe it just sounds right lol
➜No mention of the issues with slave labor or unfair practices or Fair Trade that I recall
➜Haven’t read the first two books, don’t feel I missed anything. It gives information and explanation anytime something relevant from the past pops up
➜Wasn’t engaged or connected. It was just something to read & took me longer than normal.
➜Towards the end I was thinking “Hurry up and get somewhere instead of chasing your tail FFS!”
➜Do not read this when you’re hungry or cannot get food. Reading this at work was not pleasant.
➜Liked Hayden I guess.
➜Her two male sidekicks were cool. Liked how one is mysterious Charlie from Charlie’s Angels type. Really liked how her bodyguard brought some sense and perspective as someone who “comes from the other side of the tracks”
➜There’s many mentions of rough & tumble poverty stricken areas, even a tour or two, and the people who live there. Lots of talk of the luck getting out and how sad and unfair it is. Hayden’s solution is to write a check to a foundation she just heard of. There’s no context or exploration of it to make it real. It’s just another “exotic” location for her with the people as cardboard cutouts or pawns in the story.
➜She also proves that no matter how far you’ve come or how close you are with someone, some people will never let it go, and will have lingering doubts and suspicions.
➜In the end it’s alright. Easy to read, and the mystery held up under my apathetic gaze, but I can’t say I enjoyed it or recommend it.
➜Representation: Status Quo. Privileged as Fuck.
➜Rating: Meh. 1.5 stars? Not the worse I’ve read, but Whatever.