Written on Jun 1, 2020
Sam is a smart girl that is looking for a summer job. She is hopping to find a job that will help her with her teaching degree. Her boyfriend Eli left for the summer to go to Europe so this is the best time to get a nice summer job. She wont have to worry about not being able to see him while she is working for the summer. She was riding the train when she saw an old instructor from a camp that she went to. The old camp counselor gave her the opportunity to be camp counselor for the summer.
Gavin is the camp "Hottie". He is the camp sail instructor. His girlfriend is also in Europe for the summer. He mostly spends time with the rest of the guys during camp. Him and Meg seem to always run into each other because they go to the same places for cell service. It's the only way they can talk to their SO.
Long story short they end up having something in common which is their SO's are gone in Europe. They end up flirting every so often. The rest of the camp are hooking up with each other. Well things get kind of messy as they start to get feeling for each other.
I will say that this book has a lot of cheating, sex, drugs and drinking. None of this really bothers me but I figured I would mention it. Over all I didn't hate the book but I also didn't love it. I thought it was going to be a cute story about camping and falling in love. Which it kind of is but I didn't think it would have so much about cheating in it. I did find most of the characters fun and interesting to read about. If you don't mind all that stuff mentioned above then it's really not a bad book.