Written on Jun 22, 2017
I really enjoyed Mlynowski's peek at each country. Some I had visited and some I had not, but I thought she did a great job highlighting some of features of each city the girls visited. I must say, my favorite part of each visit, were the food descriptions. I found myself lusting for these edibles and actually quite hungry.
This book has a pretty fun cast of characters. As the girls travel, they meet up with friends, old and new, and they let loose in that way that 19-year olds on their own do. One of my favorite chapters was when the gang was all together in France. It was fun seeing all the characters come interacting together. And seriously, I was totally won over by Jackson. He surprised me in a good way, and I hope that he will pop up on the second book.
There are more substantial things in the book as well. Throughout the book, Sydney is dealing with her guilt from leaving her little sister to care for her agoraphobic mother. For the most part, I was really happy with what Mlyonwski did with this plot point. Another thing explored was how a friendship changes. Leela and Sydney went to different colleges, in different countries, and this trip marks the first time in a year that they had spent an appreciable time together. They have those growing pains that you would expect, and it is explored to some extent. But these are two examples of things I wished Mlynowski would have explored more.
Speaking of the second book, I am really intrigued on where this is going. At the very end of this book, there is a little blurb, which implies that it will involve characters that were mentioned in this book, but not in this book. I do want to read their story, but I sort of hope to catch up with these characters too. Either way, I am pretty sure I will check out book 2, because this was overall a fun read, and I liked I said, I am interested to see what happens next.
Overall: A fun NA romp through Europe infused with a little bit of drama and a lot of laughs.