Written on Feb 24, 2016
Revenge and the Wild was fun, in a young adult, western, fantastical way.
But Revenge and the Wild isn't your typical young adult book, at least in the sense that Westie, the main character, has a foul-mouth and a drinking problem. Both are very real things, just not situations you find in many books, adult included. (Well, more so the drinking problems.)
Add in cannibals and magic and the wild West, and well... this book is pretty damn unique. And I liked that. I liked that a lot. Even though the writing style wasn't exactly my favorite, the story itself shines through. From the men in Westie's life (um, more Alistair and his mask and mysterious ways, please) to her search for her family to her MECHANICAL ARM, there's a lot to love about Revenge and the Wild.
As a break from historical romances, this book was perfect. (Not that I was even looking for a break from historical romances, but it came into the library and I took the opportunity to read it and it was beautiful.) I'm a little sad this doesn't seem to be part of a series, but it doesn't need to be---the story is fully contained.
If you're looking for something a little different and a lot of fun, Revenge and the Wild might be your book. I wouldn't mind immersing myself in this world again.