Terri M. LeBlanc
Written on Nov 30, 2015
If you are a fan of apocalypse and dystopia stories, you will definitely want to get your hands on this anthology. These stories were eerie snapshots of a world that might be. With the exception of two stories, I wanted most of these shorts to be full length novels. The two exceptions? I’ve read Across the Universe by Beth Revis and Shade’s Children by Garth Nix so I’ve been immersed in those worlds via full length novels. Reading about “Shade” again, I realized I need to re-read that book this year.
My Favorite Story: Blood Drive By Jeffery Ford
With all the recent stories about gun massacres and the arguments for and against gun control, this story made me realize that guns in the hands of everyone might not be a good idea. In this story, teenagers are given guns their senior year in high school. It’s a right of passage like getting car when you are sixteen or going out for drinks on your 21st. The horrifying results of this right of passage at one school and comments about the government will give you pause.
My Least Favorite Story: Gray By Jane Yolen
I am just not a fan of poetry. It’s as simple as that.
Final Thoughts
Paging back through this book, I would love to share my thoughts on each an every story, but this review would go on for days! Let’s just say that if you are fan of destroyed worlds, this anthology is one you should consider picking up. Filled with stories about creepy worlds with kids doing what they can to survive, this anthology will not disappoint.
This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews