Written on Feb 1, 2019
We meet River, a famous singer in a band who decides he has had enough of the high life and hot tails it back home to Glastonbury and opens a cocktail bar. This is not just any bar though this is a bar where he is going to be able to help three people, the Three Chosen ones with a special Mexican elixir. But who these chosen ones are well no one knows.
To make things worse for River, because life is just not that simple, locals do not want the Cocktail bar, they want the local pub and his band manager is on his trail to fulfil his contract. His ex-best friend’s sister Georgie now seductive Georgina wants River but wants to ruin him. Alice, Rivers’ band mate is completely in love with him, unaware of how he feels and River’s mum, who you must call Heather is just a scream. I loved her being on the page.
At times, and I think it might have been tiredness, I did get a bit confused with what was actually going on in a couple of passages but I always knew who was the narrator as it was in the header chapters as we follow River, Alice and Georgina and the bar. All I want to do is go and visit this bar, it kept making me want cocktails. Some of these sounded so amazing!!!
The Cocktail Bar is a fun, heartwarming, fate filling book, making you see the brighter things of life, there is something for everyone in it. It was witty and I did enjoy being in River’s company, I must admit I became quite enamoured with him even when I wanted to knock his head and make him see what was in front of him.
This book creates the magic and it lets you sit back and savour the tastes and fruition of the story and the characters, whilst you pretend you are in the sunshine, on a beach and not facing the reality of cold and snow!!