Written on Sep 30, 2022
At the outset of Good Luck with That Emmerson passes away because her body can no longer sustain her weight. Though she is gone, we are able to see her tragic story through the pages of a journal she penned to "Other Emmerson" her imaginary alter-ego who isn't fat. She also leaves her two best friends with a challenge - to complete the list they had written together that summer of all the things they would do when they were finally thin.
The tragic loss of Emmerson along with their promise to complete the list empowers Marley and Georgia to face some of their own demons related to their bodies and obstacles to living their lives as their authentic selves. I found their very unique issues stemming from childhood trauma and body shaming a brilliant way to shine a light on some of the problems in the way our society treats women and their bodies.
I found this book incredibly insightful (as someone who has dealt with weight/body issues my entire life) and enjoyed watching Marley and Georgia's journey towards claiming their power. I cannot recommend it enough!