Written on Aug 17, 2018
And funny it was. Like really. Laugh out loud-funny. At least in the beginning... It didn't take long for the jokes to get old and the humor to die out. The problems I had was that it just went on for too long.
I loved that Ry pretended to be something he wasn't, and the ways he came up with to clam jam Maggie was creative and fun. As the story went on, he continued this behaviour and it started to get on my nerve. What was fun for the first 50% of the book, started to really annoy me. It wasn't just three or four guys this happened with. It was more like 12 or even more. Come on! That's not the way to win a girl over! He should've manned up a long before then.
And Maggie...well, she was just too naive. How could she not get what Ry was up to? Her friend tried to tell her, Ry's pretend-boyfriend tried to tell her, even Ry's family and friends tried to tell her. Why didn't she want to listen to them, when it was obvious that she liked him?
As far as the writing style goes, I liked it, but again, it became too much of the same thing and it didn't progress fast enough for me to really appreciate. I would've liked it a lot more had it been a 100 pages shorter. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
It was a quick and fun read, but overall I probably just went in with too high expectations.