Written on Jan 5, 2013
Donatelli is also still out to bringing the President down, but he's switched tactics. If he can't get to the President himself, he's going to take out his campaign manager, which of course fails. But he has a back-up plan: announcing a scandal that will win him the presidency. We get more into vampire politics this time around, and it's apparently illegal to change a mortal. Uh oh, for Ethan and Seamus!
I enjoyed the characters much more this time around. Cara is feisty without being obnoxious like Alexis was. The antics she pulls to get away from Seamus in the beginning are hilarious! I won't tell you what she does, you'll just have to read it for yourself. It's a hoot! She also has an unruly pack of pets, which cause much frustration for Seamus. Kelsey also plays a bigger role this time, and we get to know her better. She has an interesting past and it definitely explains some of her quirks. I even liked Alexis in this book. Maybe because there was less of her, or maybe it was because she seemed to calm down a bit.
Overall, I liked Bit the Jackpot much more than High Stakes. It was hilarious and sexy, and the plot was fast paced with some action thrown in. I'm sure what to expect next from the Vegas Vampires, so I guess I'll just need to pick up the next book!
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.