Written on Jul 6, 2015
The best part about the wrapping up of this series is seeing how Allie has grown as a character. When we first meet her in Rough, she is barely coping to survive in the world with her daughter. In Hard, we watched her grow some, but still very vulnerable to Colin and his deceptions and manipulations. By the end of this Fierce, she has truly become a woman of her own. She has learned to be her own person.
While this is the end of Allie's love story, it is not the last we will see of her. The next three books in the series will focus on on Allie's best friend Shelly.
**Book was provided to me by the author. This review is my opinion and was not requested or provoked in anyway by the author.
Book One, ROUGH, is a FREE ebook at most major retailers at time of posting.