Cocktails and Books
Written on Oct 7, 2011
Evan Fletcher has grown his little company into a large competitor. With the help of his junior account exec, Emma, he's landed a huge account with Weddings R Us. So what if he doesn't believe in the institution of marriage or commitment for that matter. When Emma tells him that she told a small fib and said that they were getting married, in a week, he at first thought Emma was crazy. But he agrees to go along with the fact marriage. Evan would do just about anything for his junior account exec, because he can't stop thinking about her and thinks he may even be in love with her, although he has no plans to act on those feelings. He wasn't going to fall victim to the Fletcher curse.
The story was cute. You immediately like both Emma and Evan and hope they can get out of their own way to find the happiness they each want with the other. Emma was stuck on the lie that she told and how she was going to confess to everyone involved that it was all a hoax, especially to Evan who thought they were pretending to get married rather than actually marrying. Evan was stuck on the Fletcher curse and denying the feelings he had for Emma, because he didn't want to end up like the mend in his family.
The story did seemed rushed at times, but that didn't detract too much from the story.