Beth C.
Written on Jul 1, 2017
The story itself centers mostly on a small group of teens, all of them bound together in ways they aren’t quite aware of. Hannah, whose father Drew works for one of the biggest genetic engineering companies, is starting at a new school—primarily for the award-winning cross country team. She meets Jordan during her training runs, who is another member of the cross country team, though he happens to be unaltered–and who is dating Micah, another member. Devon, who attends a different school but is also a runner–and has a secret. Then there’s Marta, the daughter of the most powerful man in the country, who owns the company Hannah’s dad works for, and whose mother happened to be one of the first victims of the Stupid War. Throw this mismatched group of teenagers together, add in the secret project that Hannah’s dad Drew is working on, throw a match on in the form of a missing member of Drew’s team, and watch the world burn.
For more, please visit http://vampirebookclub.net/review-the-end-of-ordinary-by-edward-ashton/