Written on Nov 2, 2013
First sentence after reading Welcome to Envy Park: Did you just confront me, book?!
After reading four novels written by Mina Esguerra, I know I was hooked. Of course, there were disappointments along the way but they were negligible. I intend to read all of Mina’s books because they have now become my comfort reads. So when Ms Mina announced that she will be releasing a new novel titled “Welcome To Envy Park,” I immediately pre-ordered it and by golly, it was really cheap for such a great read.
Welcome to Envy Park narrates the story of Moira who has an obsessive compulsive disorder for organizing things and most of all, organizing her life. She took pro-activeness to a different level. At the age of 27, she already owned a new apartment but she has no job, no career and no boyfriend.
To be honest, Moira is my exact opposite. I love spontaneity. Like Ethan, I am a leaf in the wind and I would gladly sing a Que Sera Sera with him. I do have friends IRL that are precisely like Moira and kudos to Mina for portraying her so well. Though I was sometimes irked with Moira’s actions, I understand her completely. Organizing makes her contented and alive although sometimes from my point of view, her every day life is really tiring having to think of all the minute and sometimes mundane details of life. But she gave me a lesson or two here: If you strive, strive to win or it’s perfectly alright to be OC when it’s productive.
Aside from the above, Moira’s struggles regarding her career are a mirror of mine. I have lots of plans. I have discontentments. It’s like I want this and I want that never deciding what is it that I really want. And it’s really refreshing to know that with all of Moira’s planning, she can also be blind and indecisive. At least, I can finally say that there’s nothing wrong with me.
I also love Ethan. I can see a lot of myself in him. He’s a very passive guy who just goes with the flow. And yet at the end, he finally stood up to fight for what he really wanted. *Swoon* His decision somewhat surprised me because I really thought that he’s gonna go and settle for an LDR with Moira. But well, he came through.
Welcome to Envy Park is a mixed blend of romance, self-discovery and finding contentment about what you have at the moment. I can totally relate with this book especially that I am at the stage of my life where I am asking myself, “What do I really want?” So far, this is the first Mina book that was really wrapped nicely. And I was satisfied that all the ingredients were in equal amounts. The previous Mina books that I read have ended abruptly and left me screaming for moooore.
If you’re also lost and still trying to find yourself under the sun, then this book is for you. Uhm, no…This is actually for everyone! Weeeeeeeeee! Another badge to add to my growing page of all-time favorites. I am also thankful that this book got me out from a horrible reading slump.