Written on Jun 23, 2017
So we are back in Grayslake surrounded by bears. Keen is the youngest of four brothers. Each of his other brothers had a place in the inner circle of the clan. Ty, the oldest, is the alpha. Van is the enforcer. Isaac is the healer. Keen has been functioning as the clan’s Keeper. He knows the laws inside and out, but he has never been officially given the title. He has always felt a little apart from his brothers. It has made him a little bit bitter.
Trista is a half-hyena. Her father was the old alpha, who has caused all kinds of mischief in the area. So much that a purge has been called (all hyenas must leave the area or be killed). Trista has been living a hard life. Her father wouldn’t let her mother take her out of the area, but she was also only allow in the different areas on a “visit” which limited her time in each area. She knew all the laws and fought hard to stay in them. If she overstayed in anyone else’s territory, her life would be forfeit.
Keen is quickly taken to Trista and doesn’t take kindly when his family doesn’t treat her well because of her father. They don’t ever talk to her and learn that her father treated her like crap too.
I love the characters that Celia Kyle writes. They aren’t perfect, but their flaws make them better. I can see people I know (myself included) having to deal with some of the many issues that Celia Kyle makes her characters go through. Life isn’t easy for her characters, but I think they are better people for their troubles. I also think we see a lot of lessons learned throughout this series. And, the books are really funny too.
Kendall Taylor continues to do really well with this series. I really like all the voices that she does for each of the characters. She has no problems with the growing cast of male and female characters. I think her pacing and tone are really well done. I would recommend her.
**I like to thank the publisher for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.