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Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students,Seventh Edition provides secondary school physical education pre-service teachers everything they need to create an exciting and thoughtful PE program for their students. Using accessible, everyday language, authors Paul Darst, Robert Pangrazi, Mary Jo Sariscsany, and Timothy Brusseau cover foundational teaching elements as well as current issues in physical education. A focus on important issues facing today’s PE teachers includes topics such as the effects of overweight on youth, sensitively addressing different ability ranges, and teaching culturally diverse students. Updated research, recommended readings, and a variety of study tools throughout the text make this book a comprehensive resource for teachers of physical education. The text, when tied to the accompanying Lesson Plans book, becomes a comprehensive curriculum guide for pre-service and in-service teachers for grades 7-12. Enhancing the curriculum and instruction in secondary physical education, the text includes a wealth of both practical and theoretical resources and many motivating ideas, strategies, and activities.
With the addition of two new coauthors, Tim Brusseau and Mary Jo Sariscany, the four member author team brings both highly experienced and fresh perspectives to the revision. Included in this edition are new Teaching Hint and Safety Tip features, and content on the expanding role of PE teachers outside the gym.
- ISBN10 0321775503
- ISBN13 9780321775504
- Publish Date 11 March 2011
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 15 March 2021
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Pearson
- Edition 7th edition
- Format eBook
- Pages 552
- Language English