Written on Jan 16, 2019
Although the main focus is on Brie and Arran, I devoured all the information surrounding the writing retreat classes. If you, like me have sat down to write, you'll love all the details about the writing process the author poured into this part of the narrative. It's unexpected, yet played a huge part in my overall enjoyment along with the antics of the protagonists and their guests.
I enjoyed how Brie took stock of her life and let go of her inhibitions to explore the opportunities presented to her, including Arran. As the hero, I always appreciate getting to know ones perceived as difficult, until we learn more about them. It's exciting when the attraction becomes more than a furtive glance and a slight touch. Complimenting the tentative relationship is the stunning Italian Lakes backdrop and the tantalising descriptions of the sights, sounds and smells of the area.
Around the 75-80% mark, the narrative dragged on and ran out of steam. Until this point, I adored the time the protagonists were in Italy and remained invested in them after the plot shifted back to the UK. However, the additional plot-lines concentrating on secondary characters took away the focus from Brie and Arran in what I can only think is a way of building interest for a future novel? If this is the case, it didn't work for me as I didn't connect sufficiently to those characters and it cast a shadow over what had been until that point a fabulous read.
Overall, many high points make this a lovely, fascinating romance; two very different authors finding a common ground between them, the inclusion of the writing retreat class information and lastly, Lake Garda's beauty and culture. This combination works perfectly and anything else for me was surplus to requirement.
3.5 stars
***arc generously received courtesy of Aria via NetGalley***