You know how when you're reading a book by one of your favorite authors, you expect just a little bit more than what you normally would? That's the case with this book.
I love Paula's books and was stoked (pun intended) when I heard she was writing a new adult novel. I know she's capable of writing ya romance novels, and since I love new adult books, I couldn't be more excited.
I really liked this book, but I had a few problems:
¤ Oakland is 22 years old, but I felt like she was acting like she was 18. Her choices weren't all that mature. I get why she felt the way she did, but she didn't have to act on all of it imo.
¤ The sex scenes weren't as...delicate, I guess you could say, as I would have liked. What I mean is, it felt a bit forced. I haven't read descriptive sexscenes by this author before, and to me it just felt like she was trying too hard. Like she needed to practice just a bit more.
¤ The storyline was a bit predictable.
What I did like was the setting of the book. It's set in Thailand and it really made me want to go there. It's not a country I've taken any particular interest in earlier, so that's something.
This is also a book that I wouldn't have picked up, if I hadn't known the author. I'm glad I did though, because I really enjoyed it. I absolutely recommend this book to the new adult audience.