Written on Oct 9, 2013
The Megalith Union by Brad LaMar is a YA fantasy with a Celtic Myth twist. It takes a lot of the folklore and legend and makes it an original story twisted with modern day happening. I love this story I might even love it more than the first one and I really loved the first one. So much action, adventure, humor, magic and a story that keeps you reading until the end.
The story brings you back to Brendan and Lizzie as Brendan is going off to college. They still pretty much can't get over what happened while they were in Ireland in the last book. I LOVE that about this book. The entire time they are always question what and how unbelievable things are. I think that give this book such a real feel, because as you question what is going on, the characters are questioning it also.
The characters in this book are fantastic you really grow to care about and love all of them. All of your favorites (Brendan, Lizzie, Dorian, Biddy, Rory) are back from the first book and a bunch of awesome new characters to love. The villain Elathan is OMG EVIL. He is heartless and is it wrong to say I loved it. It made me so nervous for the characters because this man was ruthless and his circle of villains are just plain scary, it seems no one was safe when they came in contact with them.
My favorite is still Lizzie and I love how she has grown so much from the first book and now has an awesome love interest of her own. Brendan has grown a lot also I really think he finally is starting to realize his roll in saving the world.
The world and story build was much better in this book then I thought in the first. I also loved the back and forth between the past and present and the changing POV. It cuts to different characters and it worked so well if really brought the story to you from all angle bringing it all together. Very well done!!!
I gave this book 5/5 stars. I recommend this book to anyone looking to read a LOT of action, an amazing amount of adventure, lovable characters, magical creatures, scary villains, a hint of a love story, a fantastic story that will keep you reading and an ending that make you want more!!! I absolutely love this story and the characters; happy to say this is one of my favorite series.
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