Written on Oct 7, 2016
This book surprised me. In all the best ways. I was expecting an epic fantasy but I wasn't expecting the story hidden underneath that one. I wasn't expecting this story to be about someone struggling with their mental health. I think that was my favourite part. There was so much I wasn't expecting and that made the story so much better to read!
I'm not usually one to read about mental illness or mental disorders. It's not something I've been able to relate to or really enjoyed reading. I could really relate to our main character here though. I wouldn't say she had any mental disorders but she had a mental barrier she had to get over. She needed to learn who she was without a guy which I think is something a lot of girls have gone through before. I just found that while she was explaining her situation all I could think was "same, girl". (I actually have that in my notes.) A story is much easier to follow when you share the same feelings as the main character!
What I Didn't Love
I didn't really have anything wrong with this book. The only difference between a 4 and 5 star for me is personal preference. I loved this book but it didn't fully blow me away. (Though it came SO close.) This is actually the first book I gave a 4.5 rating but I couldn't help it!
Who I'd Recommend To
I would recommend this book especially for those going through a break up. After I finished reading this I had to sit down and think for a minute. It's a book for those who like to really feel something after they're done reading.
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