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3.5 stars
And here it is. Another book I requested eons ago and should've read&reviewed sooner. Publishers, I hate myself for doing this to you, I honestly do. Please don't hate me, too. I'm repenting!
*Clears throat* This one was definitely my favorite book of the trilogy (can I call it a trilogy?), and I am glad I gave it a shot.
Before I start this review, let me be honest with y'all for a second and put all my cards on the table - Lake is one of my least favorite characters in the history of all time. She's the main reason I wasn't crazy over Slammed and Point of Retreat.
But in this book, she was a lot more bearable. Maybe it was the whole jumping in time from their honeymoon to their first months, because it balanced how she acted then with the sweet, teasing girl two years later. And yes, she had one moment of bitchiness (I was slamming my head against the wall), but aside for that it was just lovely to see the two of them together like that. Perfectly happy. Almost sickly sweet.
Maybe it was the fact...
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