Written on Feb 5, 2016
First of all, this is not Me Before You Part 2. Therefore, I just took it as it's own book, and tried not to compare it to its predecessor.
I really liked the idea of this book. I love knowing what happened "after", and in this book we get to see how Will's death impacted Lou, Mr Traynor, Mrs Traynor, Mr Clark, Mrs Clark. Treena, and even Nate. Some of our characters had made big life changes, while others were stuck.
One person who was stuck, is Lou. After a serious accident, Lou is encouraged by her father to attend a support group in an effort to work on moving on from Will's death. This group is filled with a lot of colorful characters, who often made me laugh. But what we really got, was some honest peeks into the different kinds of suffering people experience when they lose someone, and how it is difficult to be the one left behind.
We also meet Lily, who makes Lou revisit people from her past with Will, but at the same time, gives her someone to care for.
I have enjoyed all of Moyes books. I love the characters in this book, especially Sam, and I love how she let's kind of have it all, but makes her work so hard for it, and suffer through a lot to get there.
Lots of fun, sad, and happy parts. Solid read.