Written on Nov 9, 2014
The writing:
I think it’s improved, but really pieces of the puzzle are coming together, and while there’s still this crazy mystery and disjointedness in the plot with having characters doing freaking everything, I felt like it worked this time around. Maybe I’m just getting used to the writing and the story in general, but I think with P.E. the Morning Glories story has hit its stride.
The characters:
At this point, all of them have grown on me. I’m starting to like Casey a little more than in the previous two volumes, and while she’s still not my favorite character, I feel like she’s gotten more relatable. I absolutely loved Jun (Hisao) and his backstory in this volume becoming more developed. Loved it, and love him.
Still really loving Zoe...but what the hell is her mission all about? She’s either batshit crazy or she’s been following some batshit orders. I want to know.
I liked Ike and Jade being paired up, and although I like that Ike is a dick, I was happy to see this other side of him come out when talking with Jade. He was still a dick, but he’s has some added depth to him now.
The artwork:
I’m still really loving how everything is being portrayed visually.
The ending:
The hell was up with that ending? Can you say freaking cliffhanger!?
Luckily for me, I’m picking up the next three volumes from my library this evening. I need to know what happens next.