Written on Aug 20, 2014
My Review:
This is a hard one to review, I would love to hug Cheyanne for doing an amazing job writing this amazing book. A book that has me trying to find words to do it justice. With so much emotion and moments I didn't see coming this book completely blew me away.
Sadie suffers from anxiety and her BFF Aaron suffers from short term Memory issues when they are both wisked away to a world because of a ring Aaron gave her they realize that they feel a lot more for each other then friendship. Isola Fiona is a dream like world that cures you of all your aliments but when you leave all your issues come back. So no matter how much Sadie and Aaron tell each other how they feel when they come back to the real world Aaron doesn't remember.
I want to go into details about what happens, I honestly don't want to spoil it for you. So much happens toward the ends that as one point I yelled Oh My God! and then started crying for the next 2 chapters and my heart ached. This is an amazing book.
The characters in this book you really feel for, watching Sadie suffer from anxiety and realizing no one really gets how she feels is heartbreaking and the way Aaron's family treats him is frustrating, you find yourself wanting to yell at them, it made me so angry. I am not a fan of his Aunt Shelly at all not matter if she had his best interest in mind. I thought Pippa was adorable, she is such a cute and sweet girl. I enjoyed all the characters in Isola Fiona however I wished they had more background, they are great characters I'm just not sure they are developed enough. I found the entire world build of Isola Fiona not detailed enough, I loved the idea of it and I just wanted more. I felt it wasn't a perfect utopia and I'm not sure it was meant to be. I just needed more history and details about it because I loved the idea of it and I loved the Fireflies.
The overall story is amazing and it's a really quick read because you pretty much wont be able to put it down. I gave Somewhere only we know 4.5 / 5 stars regardless of my issue with the world build of Isola Fiona I found this book to be outstanding and I loved the story, characters and feels that it brought out in me. I'm a huge fan of Cheyanne and she writes some of my favorite books. I not only recommend this one 100x over but all of her books. You wont be disappointed!