Written on Mar 16, 2018
Reading The Other Side of the Bridge is more than just reading a book, it's an experience. Readers are quickly immersed into the lives of two different people, Dave Riley from New York City and Katie Connelly from San Francisco. I enjoyed how the story was told from the two different POV's and it was intriguing how the author slowly wove together their two paths.
Dave at the beginning is happy and successful in his life, but experiencing the often mid-life crisis that people go through in their 40's. He has a loving wife, three children, and a good career. Soon in the story tragedy comes into his life changing everything and leaving him sad, grief stricken, and doing a lot of soul searching.
Kate is a grad student, single, and dealing with the loss of her father and her fiance'. She is researching about the people who built the Golden Gate Bridge. Her father had worked there his whole life and had found a journal of a man who'd been one of the many who'd built the bridge. Kate becomes obsessed with finding more about the mysterious journal writer, Patrick O'Riley.
I loved the journey that both of these individuals go through. I could relate to many of their feelings as they both were going through the grief process. Both Dave and Kate live through many depressing things, but through these experiences their healing is taking place. I truly liked the reality of this story in showing how a journey of healing happens and that it is hard work. It doesn't happen quickly. There isn't a lot of happiness in your life as you grieve. There are many questions someone asks wondering why these things are happening to them. Camron Wright does a fabulous job with his powerful writing, with words and characters that stayed with me even when I wasn't reading at the moment.
This story takes you to places that you don't see coming;Dave and his journey on a Harley and Kate finding clues for her project from strangers, brings about some true surprises. I've loved the other books I've read from this author and this one, though different, wasn't an exception at all. Readers will be taken on a powerful and soul changing journey where some important life lessons are conveyed. The Other Side of the Bridge was an amazing novel of hope, healing, and second chances. I highly recommend this book!