Written on Sep 26, 2012
The plot was great; I loved how the two stories paralleled and overlapped, and the ending was a twist. I suspected James pretty much right off the bat, and I was wrong, but also right. At first I was angry because it seemed so obvious, with a clue just blatantly dropped near the beginning, but it turned out differently than I expected.
I think my biggest issue is that I don't feel like we got to know either Amelia or Becca very well. The plot and writing were wonderful, but the characterization of the two main characters seemed a little bare bones. Interestingly enough, I liked how James, Luke, and Lindsay were characterized; there were aspects of each of them that I liked, and some that made me either dislike or completely hate them. But Amelia and Becca were a bit elusive.
Overall I really, really liked this book. I thought the emotional tone was perfect, the writing was gorgeous, and the conclusion was surprising and creative. It wasn't perfect, but it was really damn good.