Written on Jan 18, 2012
The first story, Enchanted Blood, is a short story from the Sweetbloods series, which I haven't had the chance to read.. I really liked the connection between Charlotte and Trace, and enjoyed the world enough that I will probably look into the series before too long. I didn't really get why her reaction to Trace's confession was so small though. It just felt too nice compared to the severity of the situation.
Monsters Don't Do Christmas by Michele Hauf is one that I found fairly odd. I didn't really understand the main character Olivia, who insisted that she was a monster just like her new vampire interest. As far as I could tell she wasn't even remotely monster-like, even when she was in the spotlight because she is a pop star. I kept waiting for her inner diva to rear it's head but no dice. Sadly the story sort of fell flat for me after awhile.
When Herald Angels Sing by Caridad Pirneilo is the third story and the one I found to be the most original. It had a storyline that I don't think I've ever seen the likes of and it was fairly interesting. I will say that this is one of those stories that you really wish had been given a full length book instead of 60 or so pages. The flashbacks were done really well and there was a fair amount of detail, but there really isn't any world building so I was a little lost on some aspects. I just wish it had been longer because it would have been much better I think.
All I Want for Christmas by Alexis Morgan is the last story and by far my favorite of the bunch. It's not connected to any series and it doesn't require a lot of explanation to get the point across, instead it's a great short story that draws you in. The relationship between the main characters is really sweet and the writing is very smooth and easy to read. This one certainly felt more Christmas-y then the others, and I would say is a perfect light read for the holidays.
Overall it's a nice collection of Christmas time short stories, that have the perfect amount of romance involved. By the end of it I'm fairly certain you'll want a vampire for Christmas
I received this from HQN Books and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.