Written on Nov 8, 2020
I was hoping for a prequel/sequel with more information about Luce's and Daniel's relationship, because I wanted to believe in it, but I'm disappointed.
I can't get behind this series, because I can't get behind the main focus of it, the romance. I can't get behind the romance because aside from their past lives, there is no foundation for Luce's and Daniel's relationship. The basis of their relationship is lust, because when Luce and Daniel describe what they like about each other and miss about each other, they always describe each other's physical appearance and nothing else. I thought that a glimpse into Luce's and Daniel's past would provide some reason as to why their romance is described as legendary, but their past lives show what we already know. Luce's and Daniel's relationship has always lacked depth and Passion didn't change my views. I don't see what makes their romance epic.
Luce's past lives might not be entirely historically accurate, but they are interesting. Luce's past lives have so much more personality than present-day Luce. Present-day Luce is a cardboard cutout in comparison. I wonder what drained out all her personality? Daniel? Because present-day Luce's life revolves around nothing else aside from him and I barely know anything else about her. It's great that Luce has decided to figure things out and takes action, but the way she goes about doing it is terrible.
Luce is also the most trusting, gullible and frustrating protagonist I have ever read about. She goes into an announcer portal without even knowing anything about announcer travel or the rules related to it, cause a bunch of problems that could have easily been averted, is extremely selfish and I have no idea how she's still alive. She's made to seem like a likable character, but she just isn't.
It's also funny that the only voice of reason is a gargoyle, Bill, who resembles an animated sidekick. Bill is a caricature but he can be entertaining at times. This is a reread so I knew that Bill is Lucifer, which could also be why I found the personality transition odd.
The plot is repetitive. Luce uses the announcer portal to time travel, encounters a past life, figures a few things out, Daniel tries to follow Luce and is always a step behind and repeat. Passion might have felt less repetitive if present day events were woven into the past lives. Passion is more like a prequel and new information is only revealed at the end. The payoff of the reveal at the end wasn't enough for me to trudge through this whole book, but the fact that I did probably says more than my empty words.
I expected Passion to change my opinion of present-day Luce and Daniel and make me feel more positive towards them, but it just reaffirmed how much I don't like them.