Quirky Cat
Written on Mar 4, 2019
From my understanding, The Only Living Girl is a spin off from The Only Living Boy. Now, I haven’t actually read The Only Living Boy, but I can honestly say that I had no trouble understanding the plot behind this one. So you can easily skip ahead to this one, if you’ve spotted it and thought it looked interesting (that’s what happened to me).
This was a really fun and quick read. I loved how they explained the backstory of the characters and world. It felt more immersive than usual. I felt that the pace moved around at the perfect speed as well. They gave us enough time to understand what was happening before moving on, yet never let it go so long that it ever felt like nothing was happening. That’s the perfect balance in graphic novels, if you ask me.
I absolutely adored the artwork for this issue. That’s what caught my eye originally, so I’m not terribly surprised by this. But I am pleased that the artwork held up.
I’m looking forward to seeing more of the series. It should be interesting to see what happens next.
For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks