Written on Nov 15, 2014
'Easy Street' is written in a way that perfectly emulates Perlman's voice. When I was reading it, I could literally hear his distinctive tones in my head giving the book a sense of realism. It has a blunt honesty in it which was refreshing, and yet within this honesty one also has the sense that Perlman is aware that his memory is fallible, and the important thing is to tell a good story. It had some moments of depth, gave a great insight in to the man, his upbringing and his career and was a genuinely enjoyable read.
If you're a fan of Perlman, there is nothing in this book you won't enjoy, and if some of the slight pacing issues and the occasional lapse in to assumptions of profundity that aren't there start bothering you, just picture them said in Perlman's voice and all will be made right.