Written on May 3, 2020
This book had a rather interesting premise. A competition, to see who suffered the most humiliating moments. Combine that with two blasts from Sierra's past, and I got one rather funny story.
Things I really enjoyed
• I don't know where she got all her inspiration, but Parker came up with some great material for the competition. The readings made me both cringe and laugh, and I enjoyed going back to bar each week to hear what the participants had to share.
• Alfie was so wonderful! He had so many fantastic qualities, and it was hard for me not to root for him.
• This book was fun and witty, and I just had a great time reading it. I sat back, smiled, and laughed as I cheered for my certain someone, while waiting for Sierra to come to her senses.
• The characters in this book were quirky, and I enjoyed getting to know them all (except Tristan). Their love of gaming was unrivaled, and it was fun being taken in by this nerdy and passionate bunch.
• Girl gamers and female developers need to be featured more, so I welcome Sierra with open arms. She might not have been the best public speaker, and I may have questioned her taste in men, but she was a savvy and skilled programmer, who had an unbridled devotion to video games.
• The gaming references were sprinkled throughout in just the right quantity. Parker featured great games and fandoms, and there were some references that definitely put a smile on my face.
Overall: A fun rom-com with a touch of drama, which had me provided me with much amusement.
*I won this book via a Goodreads giveaway