Written on Jun 9, 2019
I just finished Shepherd’s Warning by Cailyn Lloyd and can I just say I am overcome.
I’ve never read a horror book before, not even the widely popular Goosebumps by R. L. Stine and this being my first horror book I am extremely impressed. It didn’t scare the shit out of me but it certainly held my attention from beginning to end and I devoured it in the span of one and a half days. It was that worthy.
Since this is an ARC my standard style of reviewing won’t apply (because that would mean spoilers) but we’re still going to be diving deep into certain aspects of this book and the one scene near the end that you need to be ready for if you’re easily triggered.
Not much to say here either. I liked the natural progression of things and everything felt very natural for me. The middle could have lagged a little less but generally, it was passable. Each action seemed to have an equal and opposite reaction that compounded over the course of the book and ended in a resounding conclusion. There is a rape scene at the end and if you’re easily triggered then you need to know so you can skip past it.
All the characters were well fleshed out save one: Ashley MacKenzie. Her character seemed a little vain and her only purpose appeared to be the fact that she was one of the character’s wives who enjoys daily shopping and other such mindless activities. I didn’t particularly like her and it didn’t seem like she had much to contribute to the story other than being the ‘blonde’ and a convenient vessel for the antagonist in the end.
Favourite Quotes
“In practice, the years had taught him toleration and mindfulness, and he shrugged off the small slights of life and moved on”
“He acted as though his grief was greater and she resented his lackadaisical attitude”
“Her dreams were often vivid and seldom happy, but now she dreamt of a funny little man wearing the cap and cloak of a magician, a wand in his right hand, mumbling unintelligibly”
Overall, this was a very engaging book and I found only one typo. I’m so very glad I picked it up. Will you be reading Shepherd’s Warning by Cailyn Lloyd? Tell me in the comments down below!