This is my 2nd Johnson book, and it was another hit.
I loved all the messiness and the emotions she elicited from me. Just when I thought Jill's mother couldn't get any worse, she dropped a truth bomb on her, which I think was meant to annihilate Jill's world. The good news - Jill wasn't having it.
Things I loved:
• The relationship between Jill and her dad. It was really special.
• The friendship between Jill and Claire. Claire may have been little Mary optimism, but she supported Jill when she needed her most.
• So many damaged characters. Gah! There were a lot of beautifully broken people in this book, and it was a pleasure watching them mend.
• Cars. Yep. A lot of cool muscle car references in the story, and Jill's love for them was almost contagious.
• Johnson gave me plenty of closure, so I am most grateful for that.
Overall: An emotionally charged story, which solidified Johnson as an auto-read for me.