Written on Jun 3, 2018
Rogan, born with angel blood, is orphaned at a young age working with her uncle Castle with other potential gatekeepers and Max, an angel who is Rogan’s crush. Their love story is not the main feature of the book, but her lineage is, so it is quite refreshing for a love story to take the back seat. The reason for this is because we are trying to find out who is the ‘Master’? What strong magic does she have? Who is her family? What is her heritage? Because of these questions, we do get some great twists (some you see coming) occur in this book.
Castle, her mentor and uncle have kept an extremely tight hold of Rogan ever since he has taken her into his charge, specifically not letting her leave their realm to come to Earth. Typically with a strong-willed hero/heroine, they never listen to the people they should, and so you end up having a few facepalms or two as you realise the mistakes they are making – some are fatal! However, if there were no secrets, it would all be rosy but make for a boring book! lol. The time Rogan ignores Castle, there is a fatality, yet she does it a second time and this time all hell breaks loose…literally and you are left wondering what will happen next.
I find that at some points of the book with the realm jumping and some of the history, it got a bit jumbled for me as my little brain got a bit muddled. I found that sometimes I needed to re-read a couple of passages so I could understand where we were, but maybe it was just my brain that didn’t work that day. However, this is my own opinion and not everyone will feel the same so please do not let this deter you from reading this magical book. (See what I did there!) I do not feel like I lost anything from the story and I still wanted to know what happened at the end and to make have my questions answered otherwise it might have driven me insane! Once I read the ending I realised that I need a book two! I hope there will be a second one because as much as the book has been neatly tied up in one respect there are still some outstanding issues to be resolved!!!
It hard to divulge too much detail with the book, so forgive me for the vagueness but it will give away too many spoilers and that will just ruin it for you, so if you want to find out who were Rogan’s parents? What happens to Max? Why is it all fatal? Why the drama? then you need to read this book. Check the link above to buy the book!