Emma (SCR)
Written on Feb 25, 2017
I have to be honest, I found the pace of this book very slow and I found it quite difficult to connect with Rhys at the beginning. I found him to be quite selfish. I wanted him to be happy for his mum and think about her feelings and not just his own. However I think at the beginning of this book he is still grieving and that can change people's behaviour quite significantly.
Susan has lived her whole adult life alive but not living. Since she was in her late teens Susan has felt like there was something missing in her life. She feels like she is only half a person. She goes through the day to day routine of going to work, coming home, eating, sleeping but while she has been breathing she hasn't been enjoying life. She hasn't been truly living.
Kat has recently been dumped and is still struggling to come to terms with her newly single life. Kat has low self-esteem. She doesn't realise how amazing she really is. At times I wanted to scream at Kat to be a bit more assertive and ballsy but I don't think she is that kind of person.
All three of these people are broken but in different ways. i enjoyed the altering perspectives. I like seeing things from lots of different mindsets so this is always something I enjoy. As I said I found the pace to be slow but I did race through the ending of this book.
Like a lot of people this book was not what I expected. It was a lot deeper and more heartfelt than the story I was anticipating. That said the ending was very uplifting and the last few chapters were some of the best in this book. I look forward to seeing Anna's work grow in future books as is evidenced through the progression of this book.