Written on May 26, 2015
Another amazing and fantastic story in the Revelation series. I fell in love with the first book and I keep falling in love with these characters and the story. Which each book, the action, the characters, the badassness, gets turn up a notch even more! I am not a fan of gargoyle stories but this is a series that is definitely on my need-to-recommend list. Restoration is very needed in my life right now. I need to read more and I want to know how this will end. I'm pretty sure it will be even better because it is what has happened with the books in the series, although the third book is by far my favorite in the series.
Revolution picks up right after Redemption. We read about how Eve is feeling after she betrayed Asher in the most painful way known to gargoyles and maybe even humans, too. I would never betray this hot specimen. He is so sexy and when he smirks, asdfghjkl. You just want to eat him up (TMI, maybe?) but it's true! Even though Eve has betrayed Asher, she hasn't lost the protection that the St. Michael clan has over her. They stay by her side through thick and well, thicker; although, some members of the family are still reserved towards Eve. I love that Randi did a great job with this couple. It wasn't cliche at all. Asher didn't just forgive her and let's live happy. No. Asher took his time in forgiving Eve and trusting her again.
My favorite couple and characters have lots of light in this installment: Callan and Abby. Callan is the funniest character ever. I wish I had him as a brother-in-law. I mean, he loves to cook so I would have food and pastries 24/7! Abby is another fun character that everyone can't help but love. She is amazing and a perfect fit for Callan. They feel a certain protectiveness over Eve and they even turn into parent mode when giving Eve the "sex talk", which was definitely a funny conversation to read. New characters were introduced and my favorite of them has to be Archangel Uriel, aka Uncle Urie. I wish I had an uncle like him because he is so fun and understanding and annoying, which honestly is a great combination!
Revelation was without a doubt fast paced, action-filled and thrilling story and it doesn't disappoint. Randi keeps proving how awesome of an author she is with each book she writes. There is a traitor in this story and the element of surprise was spot on! We all know it's someone close to the St. Michael clan but wow! I definitely didn't see it coming at all! I felt so bad for Asher and his family when the revelation is revealed. It was sad and painful and heart-breaking. The ending has once again left me breathless. I wanted more! It left me gasping and just argh! Everyone needs to watch out for this author because she will blow your minds with her stories. It is a must-read in your TBR.