Written on Dec 2, 2017
"For a smart girl, I can be really dumb sometimes." (Emerson Watts)
Runaway is my favourite book in the Airhead series because things actually happen!
♥ That I felt like I was reading a Meg Cabot book.
♥...Read more
2,5 stars
Runaway is my favourite book in the Airhead series because things actually happen!
♥ That I felt like I was reading a Meg Cabot book.
♥ Brandon's characterisation. He's a stupid evil character.
♥ Emerson embracing that Nikki's body is a part of her.
♥ All the secondary characters: Lulu, Steven, Christopher, Frida, Nikki (the real one) and Gabriel. Some of the secondary characters play a larger role than others but all the secondary characters bring humour and heart to Runaway.
♥ Em's smarts didn't really show in this one. It took her so long to figure out what the Project Phoenix is.
♥ That every thing gets tied up a little too nicely in the end. Everybody ends up happy and in some type of a relationship.
♥ That the Airhead series could have been condensed into one long book. Airhead and Being Nikki have very little going on in them and in Runaway, everything happens.
"For a smart girl, I can be really dumb sometimes." (Emerson Watts)
Runaway is my favourite book in the Airhead series because things actually happen!
♥ That I felt like I was reading a Meg Cabot book.
♥ Brandon's characterisation. He's a stupid evil character.
♥ Emerson embracing that Nikki's body is a part of her.
♥ All the secondary characters: Lulu, Steven, Christopher, Frida, Nikki (the real one) and Gabriel. Some of the secondary characters play a larger role than others but all the secondary characters bring humour and heart to Runaway.
♥ Em's smarts didn't really show in this one. It took her so long to figure out what the Project Phoenix is.
♥ That every thing gets tied up a little too nicely in the end. Everybody ends up happy and in some type of a relationship.
♥ That the Airhead series could have been condensed into one long book. Airhead and Being Nikki have very little going on in them and in Runaway, everything happens.
"I was on my own and there was no one at all who was going to be able to help me out of this one." (Emerson Watts)