Written on Oct 6, 2019
I picked this book up at my local used book store based on the book cover. It looked super cute – and, I’m happy to report, it is very cute! Lily and Aiden have loads of chemistry with a romantic history that validates their quick romance. I will admit to being disappointed for their initial reason for parting. I get why Lily left as a teenager, but I’m unsure why Aiden didn’t go after her.
While I liked the romance, the setting really made the book shine. I’ve never been to Colorado, but it sounds beautiful. The small-town atmosphere and the close knit Kincades add a charm to an otherwise straightforward story. If you’re a fan of Nora Roberts, you’ll probably enjoy this book. I do not plan to purchase the other two books in this series, but I would pick them up at the used book store if I see them.
tl;dr A charming setting with a believable romance between two ex-lovers makes this an enjoyable, quick read.