Written on Nov 10, 2013
Sweet and sexy, just how I like my Historical Romance! The Countess's Groom is a short and sweet novella of Rose, a Countess, and Will, the horse's groom. Rose is being abused by her new husband, and it's no secret to anyone who works there. Her own father wouldn't even help her, since she's the price to be paid for his debt. Thankfully, Will is brave enough to propose a plan to get Rose away from her terrible husband. He suggests that she sell some of her jewelry and sail off to America. Of course, it's not safe for a woman to travel alone, so he agrees to accompany her. It's no burden, since he's been secretly in love her since she was brought there, and he had planned to leave anyway.
I know a lot of readers don't like cheating in their romances, so I feel like I must mention that Rose does indeed cheat on her husband. However, given the circumstances, I think it's acceptable. He beats her and has left scars. She doesn't love him, and the marriage wasn't her choice to begin with. Since she plans on running away with Will (after he stops her from killing herself), so I'd say their relationship is over. Whether you see it the same way, is of course, up to you. I just thought I'd mention it.
Anyway, I really enjoyed The Countess's Groom. It's very quick and to the point. Rose and Will come up with their plan, execute it, and live happily ever after. There is one obstacle to their happy ending, but it was resolved quickly given this is less than 70 pages. It certainly isn't lacking in sexy times though! Rose and Will are great together, and I loved how he introduces her to some new...uh, activities. The epilogue is also great! I had to do a little cheer, but I won't tell you why. You'll have to read it for yourself!
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