Danubia is well researched and structured, but I just felt that such a huge chunk of Habsburg history was too great a topic to tackle in a single volume. The book would have been better served by focusing on smaller, more interesting parts of Habsburg history rather than trying to give such an overarching focus. I found myself getting overloaded with information and names and dates and not remembering much of it because by the time it had sunk in we'd already moved on to the next subject.
If Winder split this in to a volume of books on the same subject matter going in to more detail on each period of history and person of note, while including some of the funnier, quirkier stories that make history so enjoyable, I would certainly read them. He does have a talent for writing history in an entertaining and engaging manner. It would be nice to see what he could do with a topic or focus that doesn't cast its net so widely.