Written on Jan 23, 2019
I don't know if you know this, but I've stopped blogging. Yes, I'm still reading and reviewing because I can't seem don't want to stop myself. The blogging, even though I enjoyed getting my thoughts out into the world, started to feel TOO MUCH. My boys keep me busy and my work is busier too. When something that was supposed to be fun felt more like work and was costing me a lot of money, I knew things had to change. My priorities had to change. At this stage in my life, my priorities need to be bringing in money to make our lives better. I needed to spend my spare time making sure I look after me by eating healthy, exercising and getting out and doing things. Life is hard and way too short to be stressing about likes, reach and ARC's.
Even though my life issues are not life or death, I completely got Matt. Sometimes, you get into a habit of doing what is expected of you. You work yourself to the bone to make people happy even if it's at the detriment to yourself. There's even a little part of you that craves the accolades, the high-fives and fanfare when you get it right. Again, I can't really compare my blogging woes to a doctor who works his butt off to make lives better, but, I get it.
When I first met Matt, he was an absolute DOUCHEWAFFLE!! Then, as I got to know him, understood the pressure he put himself under, and his history with love, the douchewaffle title was downgraded to CRANKY BUGGER!! Yes, he still gets capitals because he was REALLY cranky. Like Bailey, the heroine of the story, I came to love him anyway. Poor Matt, he knew he pushed everyone away but he had to make a choice...fun or fixing kids to make their lives better. How could you hate a man for THAT???
Bailey's character isn't a slump in the old *sacrificing your happiness for others* group either. She is the sole carer of her younger sister and Bailey takes it very seriously. Her relationship with her sister is beautiful and I loved their friendship and connection. Bailey is a brave woman who knows that life can be hard but keeps on keeping on anyway.
I really enjoyed Hotshot Doc. I loved the characters, the story kept me entertained from start to finish and the connection between Matt and Bailey jumped off the pages. R.S. Grey is one of my favourite authors in the RomCom subgenre, and I look forward to every new release. I will definitely be reading more from her in the future.