Written on Oct 17, 2018
Bernice Rosin’s mother dies when she is young and because her father is unable to care for his children, she is sent with her sister Patty into an orphanage. She can’t wait to leave the place as soon as possible and to get the life she thinks she deserves. Eventually, she meets John Smith from the first book and sets her mind to get a husband.
Bernice is the very opposite of Violet, Smith’s first wife, and that alone would have made me dislike her, but she was so selfish, manipulative and rude that I didn’t like her at all. I had just begun to think better of her and then the ending just made me hate her…
It was interesting to see that while Bernice and Patty had the same beginning, they both have very different attitudes to life.
I’m looking forward to seeing how this works out between them and if they can make a life together.