Written on Apr 18, 2016
We first meet the long time sailor Jack, who is thrust into society to become the heir to his late Grandfather's estate. In order to receive the money and the title he must become a true society gentleman. This is where the clever and very beautiful Ivy Carlise steps forward to tutor Jack in the ways of society. Right off you could see the sparks fly between Jack and Ivy and sometimes it would be in the form of them butting heads. Jack is way too stubborn in his old ways and Ivy doesn't back down in the way that society is run. There were so many humorous scenes in this book as these two very different people began to learn about and from each other.
Though this is a Proper Romance,there is also the big mystery of who is trying to do Jack in. Then there is Ivy's HUGE secret of her undercover writing career. The novel has a great supporting cast with Ivy's Nana, who is a delight to read as she stands up to the snobbery found in society. I loved every scene she was in. I also enjoyed reading about Jack's mother Mary and his sister Sophia, as they found their feet swimming through the "shark infested waters" of the aristocracy.It was fun to see them gain their confidence in their new life standing with the help of Ivy and her Nana Olivia.
Readers will find so much to love in this novel, from the chapter headings from "Mistress Manners' Tips for Every-day Etiquette" such as, "When making a new acquaintance, always present a pleasant face and a kindly manner", to the repartee and flirting between the main characters, and of course the romance that slowly unfolds much to the dismay, surprise, and chagrin of Jack and Ivy. You will be charmed by this story and be left with wanting more from these characters and this author.